Sunday, March 27, 2011

St. Augustine Fishing Report March 27th...

Wow!.. what a fantastic day on the water... The weather was great and the fish were seriously Chewin! Today I had Big Joe, Joe #2, Joe #3, and Greg out for a half day of fishing in St. Augustine. This is Joe #2 and Joe #3's third time out with me and each trip just keeps getting better and better. I lost count of how many fish they put in the boat today. We started by catching quite a few redfish and bluefish along an ICW bank. We then moved to some deeper water and caught a bluefish on just about every cast. After we had our fill of blues we went up into the shallows where Joe #3 got a fat 26" redfish. We then moved to our last spot for the day where they caught a bunch more redfish including a few more heavy 26 inchers. Great day fellas!

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